Ta Mātou Ratonga | Our Services

Here at Manu Ora we offer you complete General Practice (GP) and nursing primary health care with a holistic focus on all aspects of your hauora/wellbeing.


We can provide you with many kinds of health services, depending on what you need. Our services include:

We also have a number of programmes available to patients as appropriate – including:

Kahu Taurima

Kahu Taurima

Wraparound care for māmā and pēpi in their first 2,000 days of life

Te Manu Tākai

To support whānau Māori with mental health issues

Mātauranga Māori Solutions

Founded on Te Ao Māori and specifically targeted to serve whānau Māori and improve health equity and outcomes

When you come along for your appointment...

Be sure to let us know what is going on for you, in all aspects of your hauora. Your doctor or nurse can then talk you through what treatment and support might be available and appropriate for you.